Paradise Valley PermaSprouts

What is the best way to spread the word about permaculture to really make a difference in our future? Well, by the world’s children of course. Hence was the birth of Paradise Valley PermaSprouts.



The 3 Permaculture Ethics
Three Permaculture Ethics. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works.

Care for the Earth
Share what you don’t use
Care for ALL People

With 4 families and eight children 2 to 8 years old we launched our first gathering on September 27, 2016. We toured PPI’s permaculture demonstration site implementing the first permaculture principle “Observe and Interact.” Armed with a clipboard and observation form we recorded what we saw with words and pictures to share at the end of our tour. We filled re-useable bags with lots of edibles to each make our own tea.


Through “Observing and Interacting” again in October we tracked more changes including signs of a muskrat who had moved into the pond recently. We were successful in collecting seeds for planting, eating and gluing on an art project.


November brought on talk about another permaculture principle, “Catch and Store Energy, Water and Materials.” We focused on water collection, noticed the water level in the pond dropping from evaporation and muskrat burrowing. With our own landform models, using clay and eyedroppers, we saw how we can collect water on the land!


Meeting monthly through seasons and cycles is painting a permaculture picture in our hearts and for these children and parents to take with them to wherever they go!

Wild and Free Nature group from Bozeman visiting PPI for workshop in ID tasting and recording information of plants. Fall 2019.

Wild and Free Nature group from Bozeman at PPI, Fall 2019 for workshop in ID tasting and recording information of plants.

Sprouts growing in a winter kitchen garden

We made kitchen gardens, they took them home on Monday and Mabel is growing food for her family! - Monday, 11/6/17